Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Week12 CST 205

This week, we made Team Improvement Plans. In my plan, I plan to do the following:

Complete assignments before the Tuesday deadline

Finish attempting group labs before group lab meeting
Either use pycharm to get more helpful errors or learn more about JES errors
Find when office hours are and go to the prof/TA for help before the group lab

Code review is reviewing others' code and having your code reviewed. In code review, code can be discussed in terms of tradeoffs and preference. Questions should be asked and not demands. Good questions are clarifying and not judgemental. Ownership of and namecalling of code should not be done. When you have your code reviewed, don't take things personally and know that the reviewer has your best intentions in mind. You should also respond to every comment. When reviewing code, you should tell which ideas you feel strongly about. You should also find ways to simplify the code and give alternatives.

In the "How to Get a Job at Google" article by Thomas L. Friedman, he mentioned that general cognitive ability or learning ability is very important at Google. Another important aspect to a candidate is leadership: knowing when to lead or to let someone else lead. Humility and ownership are also important in problem-solving because it tells when someone should help solve a problem or to let others fix it.

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