Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Week 13: CST 205

This week, we started the sound modules.  The sounds we worked with were .wav files, which are not compressed. Sounds travel in compression waves that are created by changes in pressure. It is measured in rarefaction cycles and decibels (dB). The amplitude of the wave is the distance from 0 to the height in the y axis, a large amplitude will have a loud sound. When a full wave occurs, it is the frequency which is related to the pitch. When the frequency increases, the pitch increases.

We learned how to manipulate sound with Python. We increased the volume by getting the sample value of a sound at a specific sample then setting that sample to a larger value. This was done for all for the samples in the sound resulting in an increased volume. We then learned how to increase or decrease the volume in a given range for a sound by varying the lengths involved and varying the value.  We then learned how to combine sounds by making an empty sound and then copying the sounds into it with a for loop in the range of the entire sound clip.

In lab 8, we learned the basics of sound. We learned how to decrease the volume in a sound clip by divinding the value by half. We also learned how to change the volume of a sound by a factor by multiplying that value by a predefined factor variable. Next, we found the maximum number of samples by using the abs() function and setting the largest number it can find to max_value iteratively. Next, we set the samples to its max value using maxSample(sound).

In lab 10, we practiced strings and made a hangman game. In the warmup, we used the requestString(str) to ask for a name in a popup dialogue box. Later, a hangman class was made. This created allowed the computer to ask the user for letter guesses. If it was correct, it would evaluate the letter and add the letter to the word.

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