Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Week11: CST 205

In Lab 4, we learned how to modify pictures pixel by pixel. We started by making a vertical mirror of a picture. We then mirrored a picture horizontally from top-to-bottom and bottom-to-top. After, we made a quadruple mirror. I wanted to use the functions I already created but it wouldn't work out. Then we copied a picture from one file, making another file. After learning how to save to a file, I could have saved it to another file instead of just displaying the result. Next, we rotated a picture by making a blank picture and copying the pixels into it. Finally, we shrunk a picture by sampling every other pixel and copying it to a blank canvas.

             In Lab 5, we learned how to add blank space to images by adding pixels to the image. Then, we rewrote that function to become more reusable using a header. I rewrote my function to put pictures perfectly centered at the target x and y axis. In the end, we had a mini project where we inserted 8 pictures into one picture file and modified them with the functions we created earlier. For my project, I made it 5 x 7 or 1500 x 2100 pixels because it was too large when I examined it in explorer. The photo would update in my computer every time because it was saving it 8 times every time I ran the function. I could open the photo and it would update in real time. I wanted to import the other lab files but I wasn't able to make it work with "from Lab4 import *", I opted for copying the functions directly.

In Lab 6, we removed the red-eye from a picture. Our group exchanged all red with green in attempt to neutralize the red color. It worked but when I tried it on my own, I applied it to the entire picture. I could have applied the green fix to the eyes only and it would have been better. We created a sepia tint using the red and blue value multipliers after converting the picture to black and white. We also made an artify function which made color values in various ranges a single color for R/G/B. Finally, we created a picture using the Chroma-Key technique. It identified the already specified green values in the backdrop and applied the new background. 

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