Tuesday, May 12, 2020

cst499 capstone week 2

This week, our group discussed the effective meetings reading from last week. It seemed like we already used a few ideas in the article through our CS learning. A number of meetings could have been done over email and didn't need to be discussed. Meetings are nice to have in general, just so everyone can get their input in all at once. We used to keep minutes but every big decision was later posted to the Hangouts chat to remind everyone later. It was concluded that this article was not software development specific because as we have read about, failure in software will happen. Deadlines can be missed and features could be implemented incorrectly, it is not unacceptable for this to occur. Features that take longer than expected is built into Agile's point design. I haven't worked in a professional software development setting, so I will have to see for myself if the tips in the article work. 

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