Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Week10: CST 205

Jython will be used to manipulate digital images with Python using JES. In digital imaging, there are many components of a picture. The pixel values are assigned a tonal value that can have many values. The bit depth is the number of bits used to define each pixel, for example a 24 bit depth picture is 8/8/8 for r/g/b. The resolution is the ability to see detail in a picture and is related to spatial frequency in DPI/dots per pixel or PPI/pixels per inch.

            There are many types of digital image files such as JPG, TIF, RAW and GIF. In file types there is lossy vs. lossless compression where some or no data is discarded when compressing. TIFF is used as a lossless image format but the files are large. GIF uses only 256 colors and matches similar colors to the ones it uses. It reduces the colors used and replaces common patterns in large areas. JPG is the best for photos and stores them in 24 bit color/16 million colors but discards info the eye can’t see. RAW is lossless and smaller then TIFF files but they vary by manufacturer.

            In pair programming, two programmers work on the same design to make one code product. The driver codes and the navigator finds problems, asks questions, and helps. This leads to better scores, friendships, and understanding allowing each to be both the teacher and the student. It is an Agile software development technique where each line is reviewed as it is typed and improvements are suggested. There can be disengagement if the two have bad teamwork or communication. Online tools can be used to facilitate the pair programming process such as Github, Zoom.us, Hangouts, Slack video chat, and Team Viewer.

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