Tuesday, May 26, 2020

CST499 Capstone Week 4

This, week we worked on our capstone project. I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, but I learned about a few interesting topics.

My goal was to add a license in a textfile to a window that could be closed by clicking off of it. I tried a few different approaches like linking a text tile to a Text object, then attaching that to a window or using a scanner to read in every line. In the end, those didn't work, and I created a very long String, called that class and function and printed it out to the window. There are some inconsistencies, but its functional.

I later created a mouse event to close the open window when it was clicked on.  As a result, it meets some of the requirements we initially planned, but not all. 

Another problem I had was that the window was too large initially, so I used several functions to get the window dimensions then create a viewing window of that size. This will most likely work on other's computers as well.

Next week, I hope to get a lot more done and ask for help when I need it.

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