Tuesday, March 12, 2019

CST 338 Software Design

Have you used Eclipse before?
What languages are you proficient in at this point?
What is your desired field of Computer Science at this point?
Update your learning journal from what you experienced this week with class. 

I have used Eclipse before in my programming I and II classes at Merced Community College. I believe I am proficient in Java and almost as much in Python now. I'm still not as good at programming as my classmates, however. My desired field of Computer Science is to work with Mobile Apps. I have made parts of a very basic studying app at a Mini-Hackathon in Stockton using Android Studio which was similar to the WindowBuilder plug-in from Eclipse which we learned in programming II. I had difficulty using it partly due to mostly using the GUI to design the app, my laptop screen is small, and the compile time was long. I use a computer with a larger screen and better specs at home.

This week, we learned how to install Eclipse. I deleted it off of my computer and changed my windows 10 username in a major way. I had to delete some temp files because it was still referencing my old username. Fortunately, I got it to install. We used a few built-in functions from the String class to print in all upper and lower case. We also used the Scanner class to read in from the keyboard. 

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