Wednesday, April 8, 2020

cst438 software engineering w5

This week, we had our midterm. It was 20q multiple choice and 2 essay questions. We also had the first part of the capstone essay. We completed about 10 pages this week I think. Unfortunately we have material for the capstone class due at the same time as this class. I wish we continued the project from this class as our capstone because we would have 3 weeks done already by the time the class starts but that's not going to happen. I learned a lot about the software engineering process for the first essay and about microservices for the second essay. It seems like the microservices have their pros and cons. I wonder if I will use them in my future job.

I also took a look at the cst499 syllabus from Spring 2019. A student from a previous cohort mentioned it in their learning journal so it seems like the ETS CS test is still going to happen next semester along with something called the CLA+ exam. I tried to find a study guide but wasn't able to find anything comprehensive. A Reddit post mentioned reading old textbooks, notes, the CS GRE, and other resources have mentioned test questions from the GATE exam. I was there was a place to start, like a practice test so I can find my weakest areas.   My plan so far is to take a look at what information we know about the ETS CS test and go from there.

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